How to cure a sore throat and ease those painful symptoms naturally.
We all deal with a sore throat now and then. It can be rough and downright miserable, especially for kids! Every swallow and every cough makes you wince in pain. All you can think about is making that lump in the back of your throat go away, and fast.
A sore throat can be caused by many different things. It’s typically caused by the common cold, flu, and strep. Sometimes it’s simply a reaction to allergies or dry air.
Let’s take a look at the symptoms of a sore throat and how to find relief that’s fast and safe.
Symptoms of a Sore Throat
When describing a sore throat, you’re usually referring to pain, burning, itchiness, and irritation. A sore throat is your body’s immune response to inflammation and swelling in the throat.
It can be inconvenient and horribly painful.
Some common sore throat symptoms include:
- Difficulty swallowing
- Pain that gets worse when talking
- Scratchiness
- Swollen glands and tonsils
- Coughing
Sore throats typically only last about a week, and these home remedies are sure to soothe your throat and get you feeling better fast. No side effects, no scary ingredients. Just comfort naturally.
Best Sore Throat Home Remedies
1. Eat Raw Honey
Honey is one of the best remedies for a sore throat because of its natural antibacterial properties. It acts as a wound healer, delivering instant pain relief while reducing inflammation.
If you’re experiencing a bad cough alongside your sore throat, studies have shown that honey is even more effective than cough suppressants.
How to use: Try drinking tea or warm lemon water with honey mixed in. It’s a long-standing way to soothe a sore throat. Honey alone can work wonders as well. Try taking 1 tablespoon 1-2 times a day and allow it to coat and soothe your throat quickly.
Remember — it’s recommended not to give honey to children under the age of one.
2. Gargle Salt Water
As it turns out, mom was right about this one. Gargling salt water is a great way to kill bacteria and break down mucus. It can reduce swelling which helps cure a sore throat fast.
How does it work? Gargling salt water draws the virus cells and bacteria in your throat to the surface. When you spit out the salt water, you rid your body of all that bacteria.
How to use: Mix half a teaspoon of salt in 8 oz of warm water. Gargle away. Spit it out. Repeat every three hours.
3. Sip on Bone Broth
You’ve heard it since you were a little kid. Whenever someone gets sick, rest and chicken noodle soup are prescribed. In fact, soup can be a better remedy than most over-the-counter medicines. The reason? Bone broth.
Bone broth is a collagen-rich drink that’s loaded with essential minerals and boosts healing. It also helps you stay hydrated so you can get better faster. Studies have shown that the amino acids found in broth reduce inflammation in the respiratory system. As inflammation reduces, so will your sore throat.
How to use it: Sip bone broth warm from a mug, or stir it into your favorite recipes such as soups, risotto, and stir frys. You can also use it as your base when cooking grains. Bone broth is available in powder form and capsules. We suggest using Dr. Axe’s products at Ancient Nutrition.
4. Enjoy a Cup of Hot Tea
Hot tea has a long history of being used for medicinal purposes. It’s naturally soothing and the warm temperature helps with coughs and irritation.
Chamomile is a great choice for a sore throat! It contains anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and astringent properties. Peppermint is another fantastic option since it contains menthol, which naturally thins mucus and offers pain relief.
How to use it: To steep tea, pour hot water over your choice of ingredients and let them rest for a few minutes. You can either remove the tea leaves or let them continue steeping as you sip and enjoy. Add a squeeze of lemon for an extra nutrient boost!
5. Use Elderberries
Elderberries are well known for their ability to fight off colds and the flu, shortening the duration and symptoms. They’ve been used for centuries, and the key property is antioxidants. Antioxidants help to build your immune system and keep it strong long-term.
You can use elderberries in different forms such as in hot tea, capsules, gummies, and elderberry syrup. Organic elderberry syrup is made with warm spices and raw honey. It’s a great way to reap the benefits of the elderberries while also providing immediate relief to your sore throat with the raw honey.
How to use it: If using in hot tea, steep elderberries in hot water for a few minutes and sip away. For elderberry syrup use, if ages one and two, use 2-4 teaspoons twice a day. Ages three and up use 2-3 tablespoons twice daily.
Give our Homemade Elderberry Cough Drops a try for quick relief.
6. Get Steamy
That’s right! Steam it up. Dry air is harsh, and there’s a chance that it might be the cause of your sore throat. Even if it’s not the cause, it could be contributing to your painful symptoms.
By keeping the air moist, you’ll keep your sinuses open. Steam also loosens mucus and moisturizes a sore throat.
How to use it: Use a good-quality humidifier. Don't have one? No worries! Breathe in steam from a warm shower. Our favorite way to add moisture to the air is to use an essential oil diffuser with the additional benefits of essential oils. We recommend using peppermint.
7. Enjoy Coconut Oil
Among coconut oil’s many health perks, it’s also rich in antioxidants and contains lauric acid, which is antibacterial and antiviral. It can prevent colds and boost the immune system. Geez, is there anything coconut oil can’t do?
Coconut oil is said to ease pain and keep infections at bay. It’s an incredible moisturizer, which sounds like heaven when you’re experiencing a horribly sore throat.
How to use it: Try using coconut oil in your coffee and smoothies. You can also cook eggs in it or use it in baked goods. Since it has little to no taste, it’s easy to sneak into your diet.
8. Eat Raw Garlic
Ever heard someone say to chew on a clove of garlic for a sore throat? There’s actually a lot of truth behind this. Garlic is a powerful ally to your overall immune system health.
When crushed or cut, raw garlic releases a compound called allicin which acts as the world’s most powerful antioxidant. Adding garlic to your diet is a fantastic way to fight infections.
How to use it: Just as you’ve heard — try chewing on a clove for about 10 minutes. If that’s too much for you, finely chop it up and swallow a tablespoon just as you would a pill. Try adding fresh garlic to your food, or take a garlic supplement daily.
9. Up Your Vitamin C
Vitamin C is famous for fighting upper respiratory infections. Because it’s an antihistamine, it can reduce inflammation for those with allergies as well.
A good supply of vitamin C helps with the healthy function of your immune system. Since your body doesn’t store high amounts of it, it’s important to eat vegetables and fruits high in vitamin C daily. As soon as you develop symptoms of a sore throat, take 1,000 mg a day.
How to use it: Try taking vitamin C supplements. Also, be sure to eat foods rich in vitamin C such as oranges, grapefruit, kiwi, grapes, and kale. Smoothies are a great way to get a good boost while soothing your throat with the cold temperature.
10. Get Enough Zinc
Zinc has become a popular treatment for the common cold, as well as with sore throats. It aids in fighting infections and wounds. It also benefits the immune system and has incredible antiviral effects.
Supplementing as soon as you feel sick can help speed up the healing process. Studies have shown zinc can stop the rhinovirus (the virus found in the common cold) from multiplying.
How to use it: Meat, seeds, and nuts are all great sources of zinc. Other foods rich in zinc include legumes, eggs, and whole grains. You can also take a high-quality zinc supplement.
When To See a Doctor
If severe symptoms develop such as a fever, difficulty breathing, or swallowing, contact your healthcare provider immediately.
If your typical sore throat symptoms last over a week, it’s also time to see your doctor and make sure nothing more is going on.
The Takeaway
Everyone gets a sore throat occasionally. Typically, it’s nothing to worry about and resolves within a week.
These sore throat home remedies will help relieve pain and inflammation while also encouraging healing.
To stay healthy this season, don’t forget to eat well, get outside, and find time for yourself. You can also take a daily dose of organic elderberry syrup to boost your immune system and overall health.
Let us know which of these remedies work best for you and your family!